stay motivated during exams

How to Stay Motivated during Exam Stress

Unquestionably, one of the most stressful periods in a student’s life is during exams. Feelings of panic and anxiety are frequently brought on by the pressure to do well and the large quantity of material to cover. But academic achievement depends on staying motivated throughout this difficult time. We’ll look at practical methods and ideas in this blog to keep you motivated and on task during test stress. If you are struggling with focus, read this blog. Let’s learn, HOW TO STAY MOTIVATED DURING EXAM STRESS.

Tips to Stay Motivated

tips to stay motivated
  • Acknowledge Your Feelings– Feeling anxious about an exam is very common among students. Normal anxiety is good but don’t let it get to your head. Agree that you are feeling this way , and it is normal.
  • Set realistic goalsHave a logical and rational mindset while setting goals. Don’t think too big of an illusion , which is impossible to achieve. Your goals should be SMART- Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.
  • Stop Procrastinatingcreate a fixed STUDY ROUTINE, study in the most productive time. Remember consistency is the key, you should always repeat the tasks over and over to master it.
  • Think it as- NO BIG DEAL : No exam is as big as you think it might be. Stop imagining so dreadfully about the exams, you have to take them your entire life till you pursue education.
  • Don’t pay attention to others- stop asking your friends about their preparation, start focusing on your own. Sometimes the person who has learnt everything scores less than the one who stayed calm and focused on his own prep.
  • Have a positive mindset It all comes down to what thoughts you are feeding your mind everyday during exams. Whether it’s good or bad , you will see the consequence in the results itself. Have a positive approach towards exams, they are a task , complete it.
  • Take breaksAlways remember to take breaks in between studying, don’t be harsh on yourself. Sitting for a long study session would drain your energy as well as the brain’s energy to retain information for all.
  • Plan rewards- When you set realistic goals, plan your rewards too. They can be either in a form of your favourite meal or one video game. Rewards will keep you motivated during exams to achieve more goals.
  • Remember Your Why– Reflect on why you’re studying. Connect it to your long-term goals. The purpose of your studying will drive your wish to study more.
  • THINK OF THE WORST-CASE SCENARIO- whenever you indulge in overthinking just stop and think about the worst possible thing that could happen. You will fail, right? Well that’s the most important part to get success, if you will not fail how would you realize how good and capable you are. THIS IS HOW YOU STAY MOTIVATED DURING EXAM STRESS.

Relaxation Techniques

relaxation techniques
  • Take Care of Yourself: Get adequate rest, exercise, and nutrition. Manage stress through relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation.
  • Exercise awareness and deep breathing: To relax your body and mind, try mindfulness activities or deep breathing exercises. Being mindful of your breathing and in the present moment helps ease anxiety and encourage calm.
  • Simple Breathing Technique: Take a two-second, soft breath through your nose.
    For a moment, hold your breath.
    Take a four-second, gentle breath out through your mouth.
    If you want to see a change in your mood, repeat this for at least one minute.
  • Easy Movement or Walking: Go for a walk, practice yoga, or stretch. Keep an eye on how your body moves and take in your surroundings.
  • Tai-Chi: involves whole-body movements with purpose. Exercise meet meditation when you slowly move and focus on your breath and posture.
  • Self-hypnosis: An extremely calm condition can be achieved using self-hypnosis, a relaxing technique that uses guided focus and visualization.
    It’s similar to meditation with advice for making better decisions. You can relax and de-stress in this condition of calm.
  • Seek help when needed: when your anxiety gets out of control, seek support from your loved ones. Explain your situation to them, love conquers all stress, anxiety and tension. FOLLOWING THIS HELPS TO KNOW HOW TO STAY MOTIVATED DURING EXAM STRESS.

Mindset Techniques to Boost Motivation

mindset techniques to boost motivation
  • Enjoy the process: Don’t overthink about the results you will get when you put in the action to the work. Just focus on the climb to the destination. It’s more useful than thinking about the unpredictable results.
  • You are worthy of literally everything: It’s not just about getting good results in the exams but you are worthy of everything that comes in your life. Acing one or two exams may increase your happiness , but it’s temporary. There is life ahead of them. THINK BIG.
  • Cultivate good habits: Have habits that will reap positive results in your life ahead. Whether reading a book everyday, playing sports, studying. Everything will be worth it unless you make an effort. When you will see the results it brings , you are going to be motivated to do more.
  • Always help others: there is a saying that if you want to be successful , just help others succeed. No need to mention, how happy and motivated you feel when you help somebody out of the trouble.
  • Reward yourself: always reward yourself of everything you do. Whether it’s a short of a whole big task , you have completed it. TIME FOR A TREAT.
  • Avoid Comparison: Putting yourself in the shoes of your peers can make you feel less confident.Everyone has skills and shortcomings, so have faith in your own ability. Put more emphasis on your own development than pointless rivalry.
  • Consider it as a challenge: Consider the final exam as an entry point to the next stage of your life. Accept it as a chance instead of a hardship.Remain motivated and optimistic.
  • Remind Yourself to Prepare: Consider your past accomplishments, including passing practice exams. Remember how you persisted in the face of adversity to overcome earlier setbacks. Remind yourself of the effort you have invested.
woman checking the check list


Even though exams might be stressful, if you use these ideas, you’ll be well on your way to overcoming them with assurance. Remind yourself that you are capable and ready. Treat yourself well, have faith in your skills, and ace those tests! I HOPE NOW YOU KNOW HOW TO STAY MOTIVATED DURING EXAM STRESS.

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